Furniture Medic Franchise


Furniture Medic Franchise is one of the largest furniture restoration and repair businesses. It has established reputation for having unmatched excellence in this industry. The company has successful system that is rooted to its dedication in providing the customers   with quality service and craftsmanship. The company uses exclusive equipment that is technologically advanced. The products and services are of high quality.  Furniture Medic has expert technicians who have the expertise to revitalize   valuable wood pieces and furniture. The technicians restore and enhance the natural beauty and vigor of the furniture.  Apart from  delivering   desirable  results , the company  offers  their   customers  convenient  services  by  carrying out  on  site  repairs at offices and  homes. It  uses  franchisees to  provide  affordable  alternatives to  replacement of  fine  wood  fixtures and  furnishings.

Why choose

The company has a tightly woven network to communicate with the franchisees and offer them support in the management and growth of their business. You will be able to use this network to get all the information that you need about the products, equipment, management initiatives and products of the company. One of the major programs that the company has for the franchisees is marketing support.


 Furniture Medic Franchise has   an awareness program that was established in 1998 with an aim of providing   awareness about the customers and the commercial interests. As franchisee, you will have business opportunities   in the casualty insurance, moving, retail and commercial building industries. The commercial  building  industry  is lucrative  because the have  many  businesses within them  and they all  use  furniture  and  once  in while they require  fixtures.  Furniture Medic will support you whether you are aiming to develop a big business with many workers, or an owner- operator unit. The company  support  staff is  always  ready to help  you  to use the proprietary  tools  that will come  in handy  when you are developing a busies plan. The staff also helps you to implement the plan and chart the progress along the way. Furniture Medic Franchise is committed to ensuring that your business will achieve a profitable growth. The company will also provide you with the initial tools that you need when you establish your business.   You will get tools, cases, supplies, equipments and products. This is to enable you to reach advanced level in   refinishing and precision repair. When  you  need  replacement  tools, the company will get them  from  its  warehouse  on the  basis  of   following day  delivery.