ComForcare Senior Services Franchise

The Conmforcare Senior services franchise is a professional organization dealing with care of the elderly. The institution was established in 1996, and since then it has been developing fast to become of the most respected, successful and the highest ranked franchises in professional care of the elderly. The company is dedicated in providing responsible, qualified and compassionate caregivers. The caregivers are also devoted in providing unmatched dignity, quality of life and support of autonomy.  More importantly, thousands of families across America get the peace of mind with the help of this company since they are assured that their loved ones are in the comfortable, safe and in the best hands.

The fast development of ComForcare has been attributed to the exploding market of the senior citizen care. With the improving healthcare standards, this industry is expanding every year. It is no mystery why the industry is the most lucrative for a self-entrepreneur to get in the business. Comforcare is offering franchising opportunities to interested investors who would like to have a share of the elderly care pie.

Advantages of Conmforcare Senior services franchise

v  The organization offers a large territory size. Among its competitors, this organization offers that largest territory to the franchisee. An average of 300,000 to 400,000 people is provided.

v  The royalty fees required by the organization are among the most logic in the industry. The organization offers a `step down’ program’ that starts at 5% and then goes down to 3%.

v  The revenue potential of the organization is highly lucrative. You will discover from the financial disclosure of the company that you will be on your way to becoming a millionaire after becoming a franchisee. 

v  For the first two years, the organization offer franchisees free software. The proprietary encompasses all the systems that are owned by the organization. This implies that franchisees do not require service, maintenance or support fees as it is taken care by the franchiser.

v  Unlimited support is offered by a highly experienced support staff. The support offered lasts throughout the transition period and is votive to help the franchisee to attain success.

In addition, Conmforcare Senior services franchise offers the franchisees their national strategic for national alliances for prompt networking, newsletters, annual meetings, their franchise intranet, onsite, email and telephone support, first-class  marketing tools, six more profit centers oriented to generated additional profit and group-discounted insurance program. Assistance to recruit employees and selection of suitable estate is offered.


There are currently many suitable locations available. Prospective investors have the opportunity to get into this business now.