BookSmarts franchise is a one stop solution provider for any financial and tax services. BookSmarts offer unique franchising opportunities for those who want to serve clients who need honest Smart people to keep their Books straight. BookSmarts franchises offer clients tax preparation, Book keeping and other financial services.

Book Smarts franchise is one of the most affordable retail franchises in the country. With a low total investment of less than $100,000, you can become part of a team that brings professional accounting services to small businesses and the community at large. You don’t need to be an accountant or CPA to start and run your own BookSmarts franchise.

Why choose accounting services as your business?

There are over 230,000,000 tax returns filed in each year in the country and 60% of them are professionally [prepared. During the economic recession experienced recently, the industry grew by 8.2% as more people trusted professionals to handle their tax returns. Most people would naturally pay someone to do something rather than do it themselves. The tax code is becoming more complex and most people are afraid of making a mistake that will trigger the response of the IRS.

What can BookSmarts offer you?

BookSmarts take pride in providing franchisees with all the support they need to grow their business in state of the art professional offices. BookSmarts provide the following to franchisees:

·         Location selection help; in the tax business, location is the key. BookSmarts take the issue of location seriously and provide franchisees with assistance in selecting a location to maximize on their returns.

·         Proven accounting and tax preparation software for all BookSmarts franchisees.

·         Experienced trainers who will teach you the method and methodology.

·         Marketing tools and support.

What BookSmarts needs from a franchisee is mostly the passion for success.  The organization will help the franchisee to combine their skills and talents with BookSmarts proven business model. BookSmarts clients will require accuracy, timeliness and confidentiality. New clients can be obtained through referrals, networking and marketing


BookSmarts guarantee you multiple revenue streams and ability to build equity in your office. The BookSmarts franchise business is also all year round and the business is recession proof. The wide array of services that offered by BookSmarts ensure that there is money flowing all year round and not only during the tax season. Most of the other franchises cannot provide this guarantee for your business. BookSmarts should therefore be your franchise of choice.